Shipping fee adjustment
You'll be charged NTD$200 dollars when the order is under NTD$1,500 dollars.
Shipping fee adjustment
You'll be charged NTD$200 dollars when the order is under NTD$1,500 dollars.
Where should I store the solution when it's not in use?
Please place it upright, and store it in a cool place where is out of reach of children.
Must I use only pure water or RO water to dilute the concentrated solution?
Tap water contains minerals that can cause damage to the machine.
What if I don't have pure water or RO water at home?
In that case, it is recommended to use water that passes through a faucet filter or filter jug to extend the life of the machine.
What is the recommended dilution ratio when using the concentrated solution with the machine?
10 ml of disinfectant solution + 290 ml of pure water for general use; 50 ml of disinfectant solution + 250 ml of pure water for anti-epidemic or deordorization purpose.
How long can a bottle of concentrated solution be used?
If you use 10 ml each time, you can use it for 100 times. Available for 3 months when you use it everyday.
Can I leave the leftover diluted solution in the machine?
It is recommended to use it once, however, it will still be effective within a week.
How long can I keep the diluted concentrated solution in the machine until it‘s not effective anymore?
Proper storage at room temperature, it will remain effective for one week.
What happen if I accidentally spray it on people or pets?
Do not worry. The concentrated solution was extracted from sea salt, and it has passed the QPS test for no adverse reaction for eyes, mouth, skin and it's no difference from water.
What is the principle of the concentrated solution?
It acts with oxidation reaction to reduce bacteria in the environment. It has been proven by multiple tests to effectively solution with no harm to human body.